Armed Trigger

Add data to be carried along with images once a GigeVision camera is triggered.

The Armed Trigger API allows domain and custom data to accompany images captured by GigeVision cameras as they flow through a pipeline. This API can be used only in situations where an external trigger is used to trigger GigeVision cameras.
A camera capture application input subject is required when invoking the API. Consecutive triggers for the subject cannot be sent within 90 (default value) seconds of each other.

POST /1/armtrigger/(camera capture input subject)
HOST: http://<gateway ip address or hostname>:8000

A domain unit key-value pair must be present in the JSON encoded data sent in the API.

Dictionary of key value pairs.'metadata' = {'spaceflight': {'rocket_ship': "SR98",
"Fuel Type": "RP-1"},
"destination": "moon"}


Status CodeDescription
200Data saved until external trigger is invoked.
400Examples of errors:
- domain_unit is missing
-an invalid subject in URL (input subject is not associated with a camera capture app)
- rate-limited as the previous request was within 30seconds of the current request.
5xxBackend server error

API Usage example

import requests
import json
truck_meta = {“truck_info”: {“companyName” : “Big Ferris-Wheel Parts Inc”,
                             “loadType": "Wheel Components”, 
                             “driverId”: “JSmith_903838K99”,
                             “truckType”: “18Wheeler”}}
arm_trigger_data = {
 "metadata": json.dumps(truck_meta)}

camera_input_subject = 'GigeVision_input_trigger_01'
res ="http://localip:8000/1/armtrigger/%s" %camera_input_subject, 	data=arm_trigger_data)

if resp.status 1= 200:
  print("Error: %s" % resp.text)