API Errors

By default, the Cogniac API error response will send standard HTTP error codes.

In addition, the API uses descriptive error codes for each resource. These error codes are returned in the message body of HTTP errors, for example:

{"message": 'Invalid Input: Application not found. ## 0402002 ##'}

Application Error Codes

0401000An invalid Subject ID was passed when attempting to create an application.
0403001An invalid Subject ID was passed when attempting to update an application.
0402002An incorrect Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application.
0403002An incorrect Application ID was passed when attempting to update an application.
0404002An incorrect Application ID was passed when attempting to delete an application.
0402005The user has attempted to retrieve applications belonging to a different tenant.
0402006An incorrect Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application model's CCP information.
0402007No models were found when attempting to retrieve CCP information for the given Application ID.
0402008Multiple models were found when attempting to retrieve CCP information for the given Application ID.
0402009An incorrect Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application model's CCP package.
0402010The user has attempted to retrieve an application CCP package belonging to a different tenant.
0402011An error occurred attempting to access an application CCP package stored in Amazon S3.

An uncommon occurrence, if the problem persists contact user support.
0403012No media files were found in the API request body when attempting to inject an image to be classified.
0403013Multiple files were found in the API request body when attempting to inject an image to be classified.

Multiple image upload is currently not supported.
0401016An invalid application type was passed when attempting to create an application.
0401017An invalid model release metric was passed when attempting to create an application.
0403018An application type was changed when attempting to update an application. Application types cannot be changed.
0403019An invalid model release metric was passed when attempting to update an application.
0401027A Subject ID not contained in the application's output_subjects was passed in detection_thresholds when creating an application.
0403028A Subject ID not contained in the application's output_subjects was passed in detection_thresholds when updating an application.
0401029An invalid probability value, a decimal between 0 and 1, was passed as a detection_thresholds value when attempting to create an application.
0403030An invalid probability value, a decimal between 0 and 1, was passed as a detection_thresholds value when attempting to update an application.
0403031A system timeout occurred while capturing existing media for detection.
0404032Active applications cannot be deleted. Set the application to 'inactive' prior to deleting.
0401033An empty string was passed as a detection_post_url when attempting to create an application.
0403034An empty string was passed as a detection_post_url when attempting to update an application.
0402035An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's pending detections.
0403037A system timeout occurred while uploading new media for detection.
0401039The user attempted to create a Twitter application with an invalid twitter_queries map.

For information on Twitter queries see Cogniac Applications
0403040The user attempted to update a Twitter application with an invalid twitter_queries map.

For information on Twitter queries see Cogniac Applications
0402042An invalid Application ID, or an application not within the authorized tenant, was passed when attempting to retrieve application feedback request messages.
0403042An invalid Application ID, or an application not within the authorized tenant, was passed when attempting to post application feedback.
0403047An application not within the authorized tenant, was passed when attempting to purge application feedback.
0403048An error occurred while attempting to purge application feedback.

Application feedback can be purged only once every 60 seconds.
0402049An invalid Application ID, or an application not within the authorized tenant, was passed when attempting to retrieve pending application feedback.
0401050The user attempted to create a Twitter application with an invalid output subject.
0401051The user attempted to create a Twitter application with a non-public output subject that belongs to a different tenant.
0401052The user attempted to set an invalid requested_feedback_per_hour while attempting to create an application.

Requested feedback must be a positive integer.
0403053The user attempted to set an invalid requested_feedback_per_hour while attempting to update an application.

Requested feedback must be a positive integer.
0402054An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's replay status.
0403054An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to update an application's replay status.
0403055The user attempted to updat a Twitter application with a non-public output subject that belongs to a different tenant.
0402055An error occurred while attempting to send a replay message.

If the problem persists, contact user support.
0401056The same Subject ID was used as input subject and output subject when attempting to create an application.

Input subjects cannot be output subjects within the same application or process of linked applications.
0403057The same Subject UID was used as input subject and output subject when attempting to update an application.

Input subjects cannot be output subjects within the same application or process of linked applications.
0401058When creating a Twitter application, output subjects should be passed in the 'twitter_queries' custom field.
0403059When updating a Twitter application, output subjects should be passed in the 'twitter_queries' custom field.
0401060More than the allowed maximum output subjects were provided when attempting to create an application.

Applications are limited to 1 to 20 output subjects depending on the application type.
0403061More than the allowed maximum output subjects were provided when attempting to update an application.

Applications are limited to 1 to 20 output subjects depending on the application type.
0402062An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's model release performance.
0402063The client's system clock was out of sync with the server while attempting to query an application's model release performance.

In this case the duration field should be used instead.
0402064A duration less than 0 was passed when attempting to access an application's model release performance.
0402065An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's validation performance.
0402066The client's system clock was out of sync with the server while attempting to query an application's validation performance.

In this case the duration field should be used instead.
0402067A duration less than 0 was passed when attempting to access an application's validation performance.
0402068An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's random test-set performance.
0402069The client's system clock was out of sync with the server while attempting to query an application's random test-set performance.

In this case the duration field should be used instead.
0402070A duration less than 0 was passed when attempting to access an application's random test-set performance.
0403071One or more private subjects not belonging to the authorized tenant were passed when attempting to replay subject-media through an application.

Only the tenant's own or publicly readable subjects can be replayed.
0402072An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's events.
0402073An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's detections.
0401074An empty string was passed as a gateway_post_url when attempting to create an application.
0403075An empty string was passed as a gateway_post_url when attempting to update an application.
0402076An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's subject-media consensus history.
0403077Either a list of subject UID's or a media ID is required to replay media.
0402078An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an application's model performance.
0402079An application must have output subjects to retrieve model performance.
0403080An inactive application cannot receive feedback. Ensure the application is set to active prior to providing feedback.
0403081An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to register for application event push notifications.
0403082Application event push notifications can not be registered until push notifications are allowed on the current device.
0401083A deprecated application type was passed when attempting to create a new application.
0401084An empty string was passed as an application name when attempting to create a new application.
0403085An empty string was passed as an application name when attempting to update an application.
0403086A non-application manager attempted to update an application.

Only application managers can update applications.
0404086A non-application manager attempted to delete an application.

Only application managers can delete applications.
0403087An invalid Application ID was passed when attempting to purge application feedback.
0403088The user attempted to remove all application managers while updating an application.

An application requires at least one application manager.
0400100The user attempted to access resources for an application in a tenant they have no administrative rights in.
0499999An unspecified error has occurred.

Subject Error Codes

0502000An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to retrieve a subject.
0503000An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to update a subject.
0504000An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to delete a subject.
0502001A valid Subject ID belonging to a different tenant was passed when attempting to retrieve a subject.
0503001A valid Subject ID belonging to a different tenant was passed when attempting to update a subject.
0504001A valid Subject ID belonging to a different tenant was passed when attempting to delete a subject.
0504002subjects with either public_read or public_write set to True cannot be deleted.
0502003An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to retrieve subject media.
0503003An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to upload subject media.
0504003An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to delete subject media.
0503004The user attempted to upload media to a private subject belonging to a different tenant.
0504004The user attempted to delete media from a private subject belonging to a different tenant.
0502005The user attempted to retrieve media from a private subject belonging to a different tenant.
0502006An invalid result limit was passed when attempting to retrieve subject media.

Valid search limits are 1 to 1000.
0502007One or more incorrect Subject ID's were passed when attempting to perform a batch ID search of subjects.
0502008subject prefix search must include at least one tenant_read_write, public_read, or public_read_write flag set to True.
0502009subject similarity search must include at least one tenant_read_write, public_read, or public_read_write flag set to True.
0502010A negative duration value was passed when attempting to retrieving subject media.
0502011A user attempted to query subject media however the client's system clock is out of sync with the server.

In this case the duration field should be used instead.
0502012An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to retrieve subject detections.
0502013The user attempted to retrieve subject detections from a private subject belonging to a different tenant.
0502014A probability_upper value less than probability_lower was passed when attempting to retrieve subject media.
0504015subjects in use by applications cannot be deleted. Remove the subject from all applications before deleting.
0503016subjects with either public_read or public_write set to True cannot be made private.
0502017The user attempted to search subjects available to a different tenant.

Passing 'current' as the tenant_id will return the subjects available to the authorized tenant.
0503018When capturing media to a subject with consensus set to True or False, uncalibrated probability cannot be set.
0502019An incorrect Subject ID was passed when attempting to retrieve subject consensus history.
0502020The user attempted to retrieve subject consensus history from a private subject belonging to a different tenant.
0599999An unspecified error occurred.

Media Error Codes

0201000No files were found in the request body when attempting to create new single-upload media.
0201001Multiple files were found in the request body when attempting to create new single-upload media.

Multiple image upload is currently not supported.
0201002An empty media file was found in the request body when attempting to create new single-upload media.
0203004A meta-tags list longer than the allowed maximum was passed when attempting to update media.

Current media meta-tags limited to 32 items.
0202005An incorrect Media ID was passed while attempting to retrieve media.
0203005An incorrect Media ID was passed while attempting to update media.
0204005An incorrect Media ID was passed while attempting to delete media.
0201011A required field, file_size, was missing when initiating resumable media upload.
0201012Media was attempted to be uploaded using the resumable upload endpoint that exceeds the current maximum allowed file size.

Resumable media upload currently supports files less than or equal to 20GB.
0201013A required field, filename, was missing when initiating resumable media upload.
0201014A required field, upload_session_id, was missing when attempting to resume media upload.

upload_session_id and video_file_chunk_no are required fields in order to successfully upload large media files.
0201015A required field, video_file_chunk_no, was missing when attempting to resume media upload.

upload_session_id and video_file_chunk_no are required fields in order to successfully upload large media files.
0201016An incorrect Session ID was passed when attempting to complete resumable media upload.
0201017A file was found in the request body when attempting to initiate or complete resumable media upload.
0201018Media was attempted to be uploaded using the resumable upload endpoint with a meta-tags list longer than the allowed maximum.

Current media meta-tags limited to 32 items.
0201019A GIF file was found in the request body when attempting to create new single-upload media.

GIF files are not supported.
0202023An existing media object was found when attempting to retrieve media, but belongs to a different tenant.
0203023An existing media object was found when attempting to update media, but belongs to a different tenant.
0204023An existing media object was found when attempting to delete media, but belongs to a different tenant.
0201034A meta-tags list longer than the allowed maximum was passed when attempting to create new single-upload media.

Current media meta-tags limited to 32 items.
0201035An existing media object was found when attempting to create resumable-upload media, but belongs to a different tenant.
0201036A media object field contained an empty string when attempting to create single-upload media.

Empty strings are not allowable field entries.
0203037A media object field contained an empty string when attempting to update media.

Empty strings are not allowable field entries.
0203038A file was found in the request body when attempting to update existing media.
0201039A timeout occurred awaiting a successful response while creating new single-upload media.

If the problem persists, contact support.
0203040A timeout occurred awaiting a successful response while updating media.

If the problem persists, contact support.
0204041User attempted to delete a media item that has been system-created from user-uploaded media.

System-derived media can only be deleted by removing the parent media.
0202042An existing media object was found when attempting to retrieve media subjects, but belongs to a different tenant.
0202043An incorrect Media ID was passed when attempting to retrieve media subjects.
0202044An existing media object was found when attempting to retrieve media detections, but belongs to a different tenant.
0202045An incorrect Media ID was passed when attempting to retrieve media detections.
0201046Two identical media items to the file in the request body were found belonging to this tenant when attempting to create new single-upload media.

This is a rare error that can be corrected by contacting Cogniac support.
0201048Two identical media items to the file in the request body were found belonging to this tenant when attempting to create new multi-part upload media.

This is a rare error that can be corrected by contacting Cogniac support.
0201049An error occurred when attempting to access media from a source URL when creating new single-upload media.

Verify the given source URL is accessible.
0201050An error occurred while attempting to complete a multi-part media upload.

Additional information specific to this error is contained in the the response body.
0201051An AVI file was found in the request body when attempting to create new single-upload media.

AVI files are not supported.
0202052More than one media item was found when searching for media by MD5 within the given tenant.

This is a rare error that can be corrected by contacting Cogniac support.
0202053An incorrect MD5 hash string was passed when attempting to retrieve media by it's MD5.
0299999An unspecified error occurred.

Gateway Error Codes

0801000A name is required to create a Gateway.
0801005A gateway with that Gateway ID already exists in this tenant.
0801006A gateway local_post_interval must be a number greater than 0.
0802011An incorrect Gateway ID was passed when attempting to retrieve a gateway.
0803011An incorrect Gateway ID was passed when attempting to update a gateway.
0804011An incorrect Gateway ID was passed when attempting to delete a gateway.
0803012A gateway local_post_interval must be a number greater than 0.
0802018An incorrect Gateway ID was passed when attempting to retrieve gateway status.
0803018An incorrect Gateway ID was passed when attempting to delete gateway status.
0899999An unspecified error occurred.

Network Camera Error Codes

0901000A valid RTSP url of the type 'rtsp://..' is required to create a Network Camera.
0901001A name is required to create a Network Camera.
0902002An incorrect Network Camera ID was passed when attempting to retrieve a network camera.
0903002An incorrect Network Camera ID was passed when attempting to update a network camera.
0904002An incorrect Network Camera ID was passed when attempting to delete a network camera.
0902003The user has attempted to access the network cameras belonging to a different tenant.
0999999An unspecified error occurred.

Tenant Error Codes

0004006A tenant can not be deleted if there are existing applications, subjects, or gateways within that tenant.

Delete all applications, subjects, and gateways to successfully delete a tenant.
0004008No group membership for this user was found when trying to remove a user from the tenant.
0001009A user or tenant could not be found when attempting to add a user to a tenant.
0099999An unspecified error occurred.

User Error Codes

0102000An incorrect User ID was passed when attempting to retrieve a user.
0103001A user has attempted to update a user not within their scope.

Only administrators may access other users.
0104001A user has attempted to delete a user not within their scope.

Only administrators may delete other users.
0100006An invalid username or password was provided while attempting to retrieve an authorization token.
0100011An incorrect tenant ID was passed when attempting to retrieve an authorization token.
0104012The authorized user does not have privileges to delete the given User ID.
0101013An error occurred while creating a user or group account.

Additional error information is contained in the 'details' entry of the response body.
0100016Either a tenant_id or scope = all must be passed when attempting to retrieve an authorization token.
0100017Either a valid token or password were not passed when attempting to update a password.

A valid password reset token and new password are required.
0100018An invalid password reset token was passed when attempting to update a password.

A valid password reset token and new password are required.
0100019An error occurred when attempting to update a password. Specific error details are included in the error message.
0100020An error occurred when sending an account verification email. Specific error details are included in the error message.
0100021An error occurred when sending a password reset email. Specific error details are included in the error message.
0102024No memberships were found for the given user when attempting to retrieve a user's tenants.
0101025The user attempted to register a device for push notifications without a valid device token.
0101026A user with a matching email address was found when attempting to create a new user.
0199999An unspecified error occurred.

Invite Error Codes

1103005An invalid user ID or email was passed when attempting to update a user invite.
1103006A user invite can only be updated if it is in the "pending" state.
1103007Invitation status is a required field to update a user invite.

Accepted values are "accepted" or "declined".
1103008An invalid tenant ID or role were given when attempting to accept a user invitation.
1103009An error occurred while sending a user invite email.

If the problem persists, contact Cogniac support.
1103010An error occurred while attempting to delete a user invite.
1199999An unspecified error occurred.